DC Academy of Veterinary Medicine
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    Membership & Registration

Meetings for 2023-2024 will continue to be hybrid seminars with in-person attendance at the Elks Lodge in Fairfax, VA. Individuals will also have access to the live seminar via the internet and our WebEx platform. Remote sites will be closed until further notice.

Our seminar schedule is 9:00 am to 4:00 pm with a one hour lunch break at noon.

Each seminar provides a maximum of six hours of continuing education credit, three hours for the morning session and three hours for the afternoon session.

Credits are available only to those who participate live in the webinar on the day/time of the scheduled presentations.

There are 10 seminars per program year, usually held the first Thursday of the month (except January 11, 2024).

How to Submit Your Registration

  • If your contact information remains unchanged and you wish to pay by credit card, use our secure online credit card process page below.

  • If you are a new registrant or your contact information has changed, please submit a registration form (fillable PDF) via email, mail or fax.

    • You can make payment via check, cash or credit card using the registration form. Or if you wish to use our secure credit card payment option below, simply submit the registration form (fillable PDF) without payment.

  • If your contract information remains unchanged and you prefer to submit payment via the registration form, you can pay by check or credit card.
Download registration form (fillable PDF).

Full Year Membership (10 meetings)
$450 after August 16
If charging, please use our online credit card process. This will take you to a new page where you can pay by credit card securely.

Early Bird Subscription (10 meetings)
$400 before August 16
If charging, please use our online credit card process. This will take you to a new page where you can pay by credit card securely.

Recent Graduate Rate (Graduate after 1/1/2018)
If charging, please use our online credit card process. This will take you to a new page where you can pay by credit card securely.

Individual Meetings
$135.00 payable in advance
If charging, please use our secure online credit card process and complete/return single seminar registration form complete and return the fillable Single Seminar Registration form.

Students: Complimentary Participation
Please submit registration form, without payment, and include "Student" on top of the form.

  • No hospital memberships are available.

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